Get your hands on
some Wilder favourites

Mother’s Day bouquet pick-up


From 25,00

PLEASE NOTE: Our pre-orders have now closed, so just come by on Saturday or Sunday and choose one of our takeaway bouquets!

Our Mother’s Day Wilder mixes will be carefully composed with local, seasonal flower varieties. The exact look of your bouquet will be a bit of a surprise, though we can expect Spring favourites such as sweet william, cornflower, corn-cockle and more …

Don’t want to miss out on our Mother’s Day flowers? We warmly recommend placing your pre-order for pick-up here! Choose between different bouquet sizes below and pick your preferred pick-up time: either Saturday 11.05 (10:00–13:30 or 13:30–17:00) or Sunday 12.05 (08:30–13:00).


Small (€25), Medium (€35), Large (€45)

Pick-up time

Saturday 11.05, 10:00–13:30, Saturday 11.05, 13:30–17:00, Sunday 12.05, 08:30–13:00

SKU: N/A Category: